Tuesday, December 2, 2008

NG5S A Reality(?)

Ready for our five year mission? To go where no man has gone before?

I believe that now the word is official: The NGSSS-SS (Next Generation State Sunshine Standards - Social Studies) - or, as a shorter referral the NG5S - was approved by the State Board of Education at approximately 11:38 this morning. The Draft is here.

The reason I say 'I believe' is because I started watching a podcast of the State Board of Education meeting at about 9:30, and had to refresh the web cast every 5 - 7 minutes. Very frustrating. I heard them mention the "approved items", a brief comment by one of the board members recognizing the excellent work done by the DOE leadership team, the framers, and the writers, and bingo, they were on the next topic.

Hence, the 'I believe'.

So little air-time for such a huge topic.

Now our job starts.... Soon the complete standards will be posted on the web, so keep checking.

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