Monday, April 27, 2009

More on Wikis

THE Journal (April 2009) had a useful article on the use of wikis in the classroom as part of the Web 2.0 concept.

Why Wikis? by Dr. Ruth Reynard, provides an excellent overview of the rationale for the use of a wiki in the classroom. She concludes with:

"The wiki, then, is a great tool to help facilitate students collaboration and knowledge construction, however, teachers must be aware of what that process looks like so that is not shortened or diminished in any way for the students. Additionally, assignment must be designed in such a way that students can demonstrate the kinds of skills necessary for true collaboration and sharing of the learning space to occur. Once the learning process has room to take place and is truly valued and facilitated by the teacher, students will feel empowered and successful in their learning."
I would encourage all to read this article, which provides a foundational aspect to increased use of technology in - and outside of - the classroom.

Essential Question: Are our schools and personnel prepared for Web 2.0 technology in education?

Citation: Ruth Reynard, Ph.D., "Why Wikis?," T.H.E. Journal, 4/15/2009,

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