Monday, January 26, 2009

Linking Lincoln

The bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth is rapidly approaching and a number of sites are becoming available to support the celebration of the birth of this American icon. The Internet is proving to be an amazing resource, and a number of blogs are sharing strategies and resources for celebrating the Lincoln bicentennial. Some resources you might want to use:

Our Citrus County Social Studies webpage (find and click on the Lincoln picture) has a growing number of resources.

The American President’s blog has quite a few useful links.

The Smithsonian (Oh, Say Can You See blog) has two online Lincoln exhibits that are useful.

The Speaking of History blog has a podcast and resources on teaching Lincoln with political cartoons.

The Abraham Lincoln blog has a number of entries on Lincoln. Just scroll down for a wealth of resources.

I am sure more resources will become available as we come closer to February 12th. As you notice, a number of the resources were mentioned in some blogs that came to my attention. I encourage each reader to continue to explore the Internet for additional resources, primary materials, photographs, and other items that can be used in the classroom.

Essential Question: How can the resources on the Internet be effectively utilized in the study of a particular topic?

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